Master of Public Administration

aerial view of Los Angeles

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) Program at California State University, Los Angeles, prepares students for leadership by educating them for professional public and community service within a diverse and dynamic metropolitan environment.

About the Program

Cal State LA MPA Student Learning Outcomes

Students will develop the following leadership capabilities:

  • Knowledge about and the ability to bridge public administration theory, research and practice
  • Rigorous critical analysis skills to inform evidence-based public and community problem-solving and decision-making processes in changing contexts
  • The incorporation, advancement and reliance on public service ethics in decision-making processes
  • The ability to work collaboratively within and across sectoral, jurisdictional and organizational boundaries
  • The ability to engage a diversity of perspectives and interests to support culturally responsive, inclusive, justice-oriented and equitable public service
  • The ability to identify diverse stakeholders and utilize effective communication to engage them

Located near downtown Los Angeles but also serving the wider Southern California region, Cal State LA's MPA Program prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of governing and managing in a vibrant metropolitan area. 

The program, which is housed in Cal State LA's Department of Political Science in the College of Natural and Social Sciences, serves as an important resource for government and non-profit agencies seeking graduates with public administration skills, including effective organizational, human resource and financial management; problem-solving and decision-making; and the representation of the public interest.



It is accredited by the Network of Schools of Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) and also informed by the MPA Advisory Board, which meets annually to discuss the program in relation to the changing needs of the public and non-profit sectors in Southern California. Members of the Advisory Board include MPA Program graduates and leaders in the public and non-profit sectors. A current list of Advisory Board Members can be found in the MPA Graduate Student Handbook.

For more information about the program, contact:

Cal State LA MPA Program
Department of Political Science
Engineering & Technology A524
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032

Phone: 323-343-2230
Fax: 323-343-6452


Jan. 17: Spring Semester Begins 

Jan. 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (University Closed)

Jan. 21: First Day of Instruction

Feb. 4: Last Day to Add or Drop Classes Through GET With No Record

Mar. 31:  Cesar Chavez Day (University Closed)

Mar. 31 - Apr. 6: Spring Break (No Classes)

Apr. 25: Withdrawal (W) Period Ends

May. 9: Emergency Withdrawal Period Ends

May. 10: Last Day of Instruction

May. 12 - 17: Final Exams

May. 23: Final Grades Available on GET

May. 26: Memorial Day (University Closed)